Historically and basically, the discipline of environmental engineering in Afghanistan has centered around public health and sanitation, and its practitioners’ primary objectives have been to provide clean water and properly manage waste.

Within the scope of Environmental Engineering, our team at the WGRA will focuss on designing systems and solutions at the interface between humans and the environment, including the mitigation of pollution in air, water, and soil. Around the same time, there will be an approach to design shifted from a focus on engineered treatment systems toward a greater emphasis on ecological principles and processes. Moreover, there will be an extended focuss to address emerging contaminants, chemical exposures from goods and materials, and endeavors such as green manufacturing and sustainable urban design.

Furthermore, we will perform analytical works and study on the Innovative means to clean and protect the Environmental compartment in the context of Afghanistan and the region. We focus on interdisciplinary approached toward the technical diagnosis, relief and avoidance of anthropogenic burdens on the environment by both organic and inorganic compounds based on the pieces of knowledge and methods from the natural sciences as well as the world class best practices and standards.

To support these activities, our team at WGRA have acquired knowledge and expertise in a wide variety of domains, including hydrology, microbiology, chemistry, systems design, and civic infrastructure.