Geotechnical engineering is the science that explains mechanics of soil and rock and its applications to the development of human kind. It includes, without being limited to, the analysis, design and construction of foundations, slopes, retaining structures, embankments, roadways, tunnels, levees, wharves, landfills and other systems that are made of or are supported by soil or rock. Geotechnical engineering is important in civil engineering, but also has applications in military, mining, petroleum, coastal, ocean, and other engineering disciplines that are concerned with construction occurring on the surface or within the ground, both onshore and offshore.

Within the scope of Geotechnical Engineering, our team at the WGRA will focus on the geotechnical research ranges in nature from analytical and numerical study of geotechnical problems to constitutive modeling, experimental modeling. And also the design of earthworks and retaining structures (including dams, embankments, sanitary landfills, deposits of hazardous waste), tunnels, and structure foundations; the monitoring of site conditions, earthwork, and foundation construction; the evaluation of the stability of natural slopes and man-made soil deposits; the assessment of the risks posed by site conditions; and the prediction, prevention, and mitigation of damage caused by natural hazards (such as avalanches, mud flows, landslides, rockslides, sinkholes, and volcanic eruptions) based on the pieces of knowledge and methods from the natural sciences as well as the world class best practices and standards.

To support these activities, our team at WGRA have acquired knowledge and expertise in a wide variety of domains, including geology, hydrology, geophysics, and other related sciences.